Saturday, July 9, 2011

Hmm... what AM I doing here?

I really don't know what made me do this... perhaps a little boredom and perhaps a little curiosity. I googled the words "women who choose to be single" and got basically nothing back. There were links to dating sites, links for men who choose to stay single but not a lot about women. I was just curious as to what other women have to say about choosing not to date anymore and who have no real desire to get married again. I happen to be someone who has no children either, so that really makes me an American oddity. I know the looks and have heard the whispering... wondering if I am a lesbian, but no one has had the nerve yet to ask. The answer is no, I just was fed up with bad marriages followed by a lot of bad dating experiences.

As I got older I noted that the men my age wanted to date much younger women, and did. Some ending up with very young children and a youthful wife who ditched the marriage, usually made some kind of financial profit and left this middle aged man to split his time to work, take care of his kiddos about 50% of the time -leaving little time for dating -not to mention the fact that many women his age would run away at the thought of dating a man with children under the age of 10.

I had a few long term boyfriends who, well... it just ended and not in a pretty way. I ended up single and on very odd dates with leftover men who were trying to sell me something or most who where just looking for a strings free good times and would say or promise about anything to accomplish that. I thought that ended with high school or college, but I was really wrong about that. My bad. I find myself much more content without those bad heartbreaks and ions (frustration, altercation, misconception, misinformation, aberrations...).

Now I find myself having not dated anyone in over two years (and wouldn't know how to act if I did). I wonder if that was a mistake or a good idea? I am not miserable alone, although it would be nice to have someone to do things with and actually appear to fit in out there in society. Where I live, singles hide as though they were lepers. This area is all about the married people and family values and no one knows what to do with a single women except ignore her. Couples don't want me around, and feel awkward as do I. I can't discuss the joys of motherhood with other women, which is usually the prime bonding agent among women. I am more prone to discuss home repair or lawn mower maintenance that the joys of finding a great diaper bag or which baby food is better  -which puts me in a male oriented arena. This isn't a great ice breaker for making buddies with wives. But since I own my own home, I have to know how to do some things that are not the norm for a lot of women, at least not in these here parts.

I was just wondering if there were other women out there like me who felt they were quiet the misfit into the USA pond of family values.

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